Greenheck began in 1947 as a small sheet metal shop located in Schofield, Wisconsin. Founders, Bob and Bernie Greenheck promoted a business philosophy based upon two concepts continuous improvement and the determination to be the easiest company to do business with. We applied these concepts to become a global leader in the air movement, control and conditioning industry. Our current motto “Building value in air,” reflects that philosophy. The philosophy is our commitment to our custom ers and remains the primary influence behind our mission and success.
Greenheck started Greenheck India Private Limited in 2013. This is a wholly owned subsidiary located in Bawal , India. The purpose for this subsidiary is to enhance our ability to manufacture and supply product for a growing customer base in India, the Middle Eas t and Asia. As an industry leading manufacturer, our focus is to build value in air. We offer the widest range of reliable air movement and control equipment; and exceed your expectations for on time delivery, easy installation, and performance.